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  • Brandi Moore

5 Ways to Stop Overeating

scale, grapes, thin woman with oversized pants

One of the main reasons people are overweight is because they overeat. Other reasons include sedentary lifestyle, consuming too many empty calories, and eating the wrong types and too much fat. These reasons will be discussed in future posts. Today we will talk about just a few ways to prevent yourself from overeating.

1. Eat more frequently. You might be thinking "Eating more often will cause me to gain weight!" Not true. Eating smaller, nutritious meals around six times per day (as opposed to three big meals) will actually prevent you from overeating. When we wait too long between meals we are more likely to overeat because we are so hungry, causing us to eat anything available, usually unhealthy choices. Smaller, more nutritious meals allow our bodies to use the food as fuel until our next meal, which will help the body use nutrients to work more efficiently and help us maintain a healthy weight.

2. Drink water. Many times we think we are hungry, but we are experiencing dehydration instead. When you feel hungry, especially if you just ate, drink a glass of water. If you still feel hungry, eat a small, healthy snack.

glass of water with lemon

3. Eat mindfully. Do not eat while watching television or playing on the comupter. These activities will distract you from paying attention to what you are putting in your mouth causing you to overeat. Instead, put away the electronics an enjoy your meal. Experience the different flavors and textures of the foods you eat and

4. Eat slowly. Eating slowly and taking smaller bites allows your body to recognize when it is satisfied. When you eat fast, you have already eaten too much before your body realizes you have had enough. This leads to weight gain and other health problems. Also, when we overeat it is difficult to expend the amount of calories necessary to counterbalance the excess intake, which leads to weight gain.

5. Get your mind off of food. When you are bored it is common to think about food (in my case anyway!), therefore, it is necessary to find activities that keeps your mind and hands busy. For example, get involved in some type of physical activity, such as cleaning house, yoga, walking, or trying out a new sport. The added benefit of physical activity is burning calories, which can lead to weight loss and improving your overall health.

Changing your eating habits can be a challenge for many, but it can be accomplished. By implementing these techniques it will be possible for you to notice weight loss and improved overall health. If you have any experience with overeating, please leave your comments or suggestions.

fat to thin silhouette

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