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  • Brandi Moore


Gratitude. Have you ever noticed that when negative circumstances arise in life that you focus on the negative, and as a result more bad things seem to follow? A sort of snowball effect? This often happens to me because I tend to allow stress and anxiety take over and forget that there is still good in my life. Being mad, stressed, anxious, or sad lowers your vibrational frequency, and in return, you are stuck in a negativity loop. You reap what you sow, negativity breeds negativity. You get what I am saying? Now, you are probably thinking, "It makes sense...kind of, but what does vibrational frequency have to do with anything, and how on earth do I even begin to see the positive in this crap storm I call life?"

First, an important point: We cannot have all good in our lives at all times. There is a balance that must be maintained. Without the yin there is no yang and vice versa, as everything is interconnected. Also, not everything we label as "negative" is bad. For example, you had a bad day because you were running late for whatever reason and your boss yelled at you. However, had you seen the news that evening you would know that all the "bad" that happened that day was actually good because if you had left at your normal time you would have been involved in a massive accident on the highway.

Now for the scientific part: (This will be a short segment, so for those of you who are not into science bear with me.) Dr. Masaru Emoto was curing people from disease by using a device that measured vibration. According to his treatment plan, the MRA (vibrational device) measures a humans negative emotional vibration. When the individual consumed water with the opposite (positive) vibrational frequency, the negative feeling disappeared. He later realized that many people did not believe in the benefits of his treatment because they could not see any difference in the water, so Dr. Emoto performed an experiment on the effects different words had on water crystals. When positive words were directed at the water crystals, they formed beautiful shapes, and when negative words were directed at the water crystals the crystals were misshapen and ill formed.

Gratitude and positivity have also been shown to improve relationships, mental and physical health, sleep, self-esteem, mental strength, and reduce aggression. These benefits can be noticed if you can find at least one thing to be thankful for each day. Even if you feel like your life is total crap and nothing ever happens in your favor, you can find something to be grateful for. Even at the worst time in my life, when my son died at 6 weeks old, I was grateful every day for my husband. Had it not been for his strength I might not be here today...My wonderful, amazing daughter would not be here either because she came along as I was beginning to heal. We become who we are because of the obstacles we overcome. It is up to us to decide whether we live in the light or in the dark.

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