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  • Brandi Moore

Learning How to Set Goals

(Knelser, 2009 [Image File]).

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Goal setting. Many of you are probably wondering why this is even in the curriculum. You just think of something you want and work toward it, right? For some of you, this may be the case. Although for many, obstacles get in the way and by understanding how to set goals by following a process learning and motivation are improved (Turkay, 2014).

It is not good enough for me to tell you that goal setting works; I must also tell you why.

1. Goal setting works because it triggers behavior. When you set specific goals you are more motivated to see them through because you can visualize what you want and your desire to attain it drives you to take the first steps.

2. Goals direct your focus. Once you begin seeing progress, you become more focused on achieving your goal.

3. Goals sustain momentum. This momentum makes you want to continue on the path of attaining your goal (Boss, 2017).

4. Goals set your purpose. Your strategy to attaining your goal may change as you progress. "The actions you take—or avoid—offer clues about your values, beliefs, challenges, strengths and weaknesses which allow you to course correct as necessary and reset your goal achievement strategy (and subsequently, your focus)", (Boss, 2017, pp. 6).

5. Goal setting encourages self-control. Achieving goals builds character and helps you recognize what is important to you (Boss, 2017).

There are two types of goals, long-term and short-term. Short-term goals are goals that can be accomplished in a year or less (eg. getting a new job, buying a dishwasher). Long-term goals can be achieved in a year or more (eg. buying a house) (Minnesota State, 2017). Go here to read more about long and short-term goals and take the quiz at the bottom of the page to see if you are ready to set goals. Then, watch this four-minute video, which will help with your assignment.

(McMasterUTV, 2014 [Video File])


Define short and long term goals and provide examples. Define the elements of S.M.A.R.T. and apply them to a specific goal.

You can review the entire course here:

Boss, J. (2017). 5 Reasons Why Goal Setting Will Improve Your Focus. Retrieved from

Knelser, M. (2009, May 6). Smart goal setting concept [Image File]. Retrieved July 10, 2017 from

McMasterUTV. (2014, March 14). Setting Goals [Video File]. Retrieved July 9, 2017, from

Minnesota State. (2017). Long-Term and Short-Term Goals. Retrieved from

Turkay, S. (2014). Setting Goals: Who, Why, How?. Manuscript.

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